| April 2023 |

How can I negotiate the best salary for a new job?

Negotiate the best salary for a new job - Empowered Decision

How do I understand what salary I should ask for?

WRITTEN BY: Laura Biggs

Negotiating your salary for a new job can be a daunting task, but it’s an important step in ensuring that you’re compensated fairly for your skills and experience. Here are some tips to help you negotiate the best salary:

  1. Research the market: Do some research to determine the average salary for your job title, industry, and location. This information can be found on websites like Glassdoor, Salary.com, PayScale or on major recruitment agencies websites. Also ask trusted friends / ex-colleagues / experienced recruiter from your industry. 
  2. Determine your worth: Consider your skills, experience, and education when determining your worth. Be realistic but don’t undervalue yourself. This is particularly important for women given the well documented propensity for women to be less likely to negotiate than men in salary discussions. 
  3. Be prepared: Before the negotiation, prepare a list of reasons why you’re worth the salary you’re requesting. Highlight your achievements, skills, and any unique qualifications that make you stand out. This is especially true if you are seeking a salary at the higher end of a market range.
  4. Timing is key: The best time to negotiate salary is after you’ve received a job offer. This is when the company has already expressed interest in hiring you and is more likely to be open to negotiation. Be sure to discuss any points of negotiation rather than negotiating a number of times. If unsuccessful be sure to schedule a salary review at 6 months so you have sufficient time to understand the role and show your value.

“negotiating your salary is a normal part of the job search process and can be a win-win situation for both you and the employer”

“consider all aspects of a salary package….”

  1. Keep it professional: While negotiating, maintain a professional tone and avoid making demands. Instead, focus on explaining your value and why you believe you deserve the salary you’re requesting. We recommend having choice as often, depending on the role and industry, the market can help to dictate your salary and benefits.
  2. Be flexible and think about all aspects of a package not just salary: If the employer cannot meet your salary expectations, be open to discussing other benefits such as flexible work hours, additional holiday time, performance-based bonuses or professional development.
  3. Practice active listening: During the negotiation, make sure to actively listen to the employer’s perspective and be willing to compromise. List the points in order of importance so that, if necessary, you can be negotiable on a less importance point to you and hold your ground on the most important aspects.

Remember that negotiating your salary is a normal part of the job search process and can be a win-win situation for both you and the employer. Good luck!